Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 10
Today was another beautiful day. Emilio's parents picked us up at our hotel this morning to spend the day with us in Salamanca. We had a delightful visit and saw many beautiful buildings. We took a tour of the huge cathedral and saw the Casa de las Conches which is a building covered on the outside with sculptures of conch shells- It was commissioned in 1493 by a knight of  Santiago. The over 300 shells commemorate his expeditions to Santiago. We also saw the Clerecia, The palacio Anaya and the Plaza Mayor. Salamanca is a large university town with many beautiful and ornate buildings in shades of sienna. Lourdes and I did a little shopping while George and Emilio visited a reciprocal club to the one he belongs to in Salamanca. Here are some pictures from today.
Casa de las Conches

Inside the casa de las Conches

Main façade of the university

Court yard in the university

The Cathedral of Salamanca

Inside the cathedral of Salamanca

Anaya College & Palace

The cathedral of Salamanca

the Plaza Mayor

The Plaza Mayor

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