Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12
Well today is the last day of our trip. We spent a couple of hours this morning looking at more Roman ruins in Merida. We then drove back to Lisbon. We checked in at our hotel and then got our paperwork together to return our rental car. Our travel agent was supposed to include rental car insurance with our travel insurance. We called the company to find out as a stone hit our windshield and cracked it. The travel insurance company said w did not have rental car insurance on the policy. Ok- time to pray! We got to the Avis office and told them what had happened and that we thought we had coverage with our travel insurance policy as we had told them when we picked up the car but we don't. We said we would have to check to see if we had insurance any where else. The car agent said don't worry, I didn't tell you but in included the windshield damage waver as part of your rental car agreement so you are covered. If I had not it would have been 300 euros or somewhere around $500. We said thank you- I said I love you and he smiled and said I guess you owe me lunch. We said yes we do. We thanked him again and slipped him 15 euros and said here's  lunch. God is good- all the time. I immediately thanked Him for so graciously answering my prayer.
Here are some pictures of our trip. I hope you have enjoyed the blog. We fly to Madrid tomorrow and then after a 3 1/2 hr, layover we get a flight to Miami. We get in around 8:30 PM and will spend the night in Miami before driving home on Wed.
Alcazaba Roman and Moorish ruins in Merida

Temple of Diana in Merida

More Roman ruins in Merida

Plaza Mayor in Merida

Plaza Mayor in Merida

Roman Aqueduct  in Merida

1 comment:

  1. That was a beautiful and well documented trip. I enjoyed every day's blogs and beautiful photos. Thank you for taking the time to post and share with us all of Portugal and Spain's beauty. Have a good and safe trip back home
